WARNING! SHAMELESS SOLICTATION FOLLOWS: Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, is my alma mater and the ASU cycling team is the current defending National Champions in two categories: cyclocross and mountain biking (I think!). These young athletes DO NOT receive financial support from the Athletic Department and have to rely on their own bucks and sponsorships to compete. They will soon be hitting the road to Colorado to defend their titles and perhaps add more. If you are an ASU grad or just a cyclist wanting to support other cyclists and would like to support this team, you can make a tax deductible gift to the ASU Foundation and specify that it go to the cycling team. The address is:
Appalachian Fund
ASU Box 32014
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-2014
You may also make a donation by going on-line at: http://www.give.appstate.edu/. Be sure to specify that the donations go to the ASU Cycling Team. Any amount of donation will be appreciated. Heck, $10.00 would buy almost 3 gallons of gas now! I'm sure that any amount of donation would be greatly accepted by these athletes!
(Full disclosure: The team does NOT know that I'm posting this request and I have no monetary gain involved in supporting these fine young individuals.)
O.K., end of shameless solicitation...
Until later,
-- Zeke
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